A Needle Puller's Tale

This blog has been created to talk about stitching, cooking, music or anything that comes up in my life. A middle aged womans hobbies and passions.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Interesting things to look for your home town.

Tuesday was my mother's Birthday. My sister came to take her to lunch. She took her to Tea Parlour about 20 minutes away. My mother loves this type of thing. However when she returned, I definitely found out exactly how much she loves this type of thing! She gushed for hours. She had a cranberry/orange scone with devonshire cream and lemon curd. AWESOME! She also had tiny tea sandwiches. Equally awesome! They ordered two pots of tea, to try two different kinds. They had white tea with water lily undertones and a cherry tea with spice! They could not drink it all.....soooooooooooo.....they brought the rest home for me! Woo Hoo! It was wonderful I love tea and these were outragious! I am definitely going to buy some!

THEN they brought home a flier. And in the middle of October, they are holding a special tea on a Saturday...7:00 P.M. They are charging $25.00 a head but they are having a guest speaker too. The guest speaker is the author of Weird Ohio and Ohio Ghosts. You see, they feel the tea shop is haunted. On a couple of ocassions, the owner (owned for 4 years now) has seen the skirt of Victorian dress, plainly.....only to dissipate. And when someone is downstairs in the basement and no one else is in the building, they hear footsteps down there with them. Now if someone else is there, no footsteps. Evidently the author is coming to check it out and will be doing a spot for them too. This whole are burned down in the 1800's. Many lives were lost. I truly think I will attend. I love the paranormal and I love tea! Win...Win!

I haven't stitched too much lately. I have been a little off. Tonight, I plan on going home and eating a light supper and then setting in front of the T.V. with my stitching. Most Haunted and Haunted Places are running on the Travel Channel. My kind of night...chilly...haunted shows....stitching.....(sigh)...lovely.

And a little tidbit....did you know Needle Necessities has a line of thread using Krienik braids? Yep! And they are gorgeous overdyed ones too! Oh I have so many ideas now! Lovely Autumn colors for a mermaid's bodice...not only overdyed but sparkly too! And what about the hem, neckline or sash to a gown...now looks brocade! We have alternates to Wisper! It would look lovely done in needlepoint things too! How about using it for Hardanger? It is more expensive but use it just for accenting! WOW! If you haven't checked it out, please go look at Needle Necessities!

It is chilly today. It brough to mind Clambakes! mmmmmmm I would love some clams right now! How about some lovely icy cold Apple Cider? Double yum! OH I LOVE AUTUMN! I may even take a nice walk tomorrow. We will see.

Well, I guess that is all for today. You all have a wonderful weekend!

Peaceful Stitching


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