A Needle Puller's Tale

This blog has been created to talk about stitching, cooking, music or anything that comes up in my life. A middle aged womans hobbies and passions.

Friday, September 01, 2006

A Long Weekend Ahead

I hope to relax and get a lot of stitching done. I have a few works in progress. I would like to get one or two....possibly three items finished.

1.) Dandelion Table Topper - this is a table topper designed by Rico. It is being done on the yellow and white windowpane topper. My mother saw the Dandelions and wanted them. I can't say I was too enthralled with her choice but I did it anyway. I had laid it down for a long time. I am about 90% complete now.

2.) Fortunate Traveller - this is design done by Teresa Wentzler. It is of a dragon and a man, with a verse telling about their meeting below. If you know Teresa Wentzler, you know she is Queen of the Blended Threads. It was a large project but very satisfying. This one is for my youngest son. I only have some back stitching to go. (Did I ever mention, I HATE BACKSTITCHING?)

3.) Tulip Time- this is a rather complete Tudor home scene done from a painting by Marty Bell. It is put out by Pegasus Originals. It is really intricate and extremely beautiful...all of them are. I just have some back stitching on this one too. (Ditto above statement regarding backstitching)

4.) Goldenwood- this is a very large (VERY should be in capitals) design done from a painting by Ruth Sanderson, It is put out by Heaven and Earth Designs. The detail on these pieces is just amazing. This one is of several maidens walking through an illuminated path in the forest. All of them have gorgeous medieval gowns on. It is mostly done in the colors of autumn. There is no back stitching, no fractional or specialty stitches. It is coming along gorgeously. I love working on this one. I am about 30% complete.

5.) Pretty in Pink- this is a hardanger table topper designed by Lorri Birmingham. It is absolutely a show stopper. I am about 25% done with the stitching. Not only does this contain hardanger (involving cutting) but it has cross stitch on it too. I have not touched the cross stitch (I haven't even chosen my colors yet) or the cutting. It will definitely be an heirloom. I love working on it too. It is fabulous. I changed the colors though. I am doing it on 28ct Jobelan - Beige with Ecru Perle Cotton. I want to use autumn colors for the cross stitch portion. I seem to like those colors the best. I love green....dark and rich...same with reds in the shade of very dark garnet.

6.) Rocky Mountain Christmas- this is an old Victorian home set in the snowy Rocky Mountains, all decorated for Christmas. It is done from another painting by Marty Bell. And again, put out by Pegasus Originals. I am about 20% complete on this one. I started this as a Stitch A Long, but got side tracked over and over. I hope to get back to it soon. You should see Nancy and Eva's pieces so far! WOW! They are stunning! I would like to finish this for Christmas but I do not think it will be THIS Christmas.

I want to post some pictures but I have not gotten a new camera yet. I will see if my niece will let me borrow her camera. I am sure she will but one must ask first.

Oh I want so many more things. I already have too many things to stitch and yet the desire for more is so strong. I want several from Scarlet Quince and Heaven and Earth Designs. I also want some samplers....Long Dog Samplers (Paradigm Lost...Bagatelle), Anagram Diffusion (Renaissance Sampler, Ink Circles (Garden Stars), Moira Blackburn(Growning Like a Tree, Beehive Sampler), Mary Beal (A Memorable Tea), ....OH Spainish Rouge by Sampler Cove.....aaahhhhhhhh! I am have a new love and its name is Samplers. I LOVE THEM.

Well, I promised myself as soon as I finish the first three items....Fortunate Traveller, Table Topper and Tulip Time, I would seriously try to finish Pretty in Pink. But after that one is finished, I will allow myself to start something else. Goldenwood will take a very long time to finish and I cannot explain it but Rocky Mountain Christmas is not calling me.

I want to save my pennies for 4 new charts. That is what I will allow myself for the rest of the year. I want Paradigm Lost, Garden Stars, Beehive Sampler and Spainish Rouge. And actually if I wanted to be really tight, I would choose Beehive Sampler and Spainsh Rouge.....but alas I have no will power!

Well, I think I will back cookies this weekend. It will be cool and rainy. My kids have been bugging me for chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies for a long time. My niece love peanut butter too. Oh I almost forgot, my mother is in dire need of Anise Biscotti. This may be a looonnnnggggg weekend. LOL I also have a taste for something spicy. I might make chili or possibly something new. We will see.

I think that is about as much as I have to say today. Hopefully my weekend is fruitful. Wish me luck for my three finishes. I will go home, eat some dinner, stitch and wait for Most Haunted to come on. When it is over, I will be ready for bed. Tomorrow it is grocery shopping and baking....stitching later in the night. Sunday will be cooking something tasty and stitching later. And Monday...they can all forget my name because I will be on strike...I AM STITCHING!

You all take care. I hope to write something next week.

Peaceful Stitching


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